The idea of Localism has really resonated with our community. In many ways our community wrote the book. They have strong cultural values, they value personal service and they’re passionate about our environment.
A prominent personality in our Bassendean Localism book is Keith Howlett, the proud sole proprietor behind Country Style Butchers at 34 Old Perth Road, Bassendean. He and others like him are at the heart of our Festival of Local Business happening on Sunday 8 April, Community Hall 48 Old Perth Rd.
For the last 31 years Keith has given the town not just quality product but genuine customer service. He’s never really pursued publicity but instead relied on word of mouth and built up a strong loyal fan base. He’s put in the hours at the busy periods and honored his promises and commitments. He’s been tough on his wholesalers and made sure the quality is given and an honest price is charged.
This has been the winning formula for Keith. He made improvements to the business over the years, including personally building a brick oven to cook his own hams and bacon.
He’s now retiring and will pursue his wider interests, he might move back to his native Kondinin and he might also build his own Hot Rod street machine.
Whatever he chooses the Bassendean town center is a lot richer because of him. It is very much a localism hot spot because he stayed the course and rode out the rough with the smooth and maintained his business there. Thankyou Keith!
The rest of the business community hope they can build on his legacy. And over the next few years when he walks down Old Perth Road or Coulston Street in Ashfield or Walter Road in Eden Hill, that he will see improved competitiveness coupled with the same authentic customer service.