5 Essential Actions For Your Building Company's Website SEO

5 Essential Actions For Your Building Company’s Website SEO

If you hope to benefit from the significant amounts of traffic that is sent to websites that rank at the top of Google then you need to ensure that all the necessary SEO is in place as it relates to your new home building company’s website. The advice of SEO Consultancy is that this can be broken down into offsite SEO and onsite SEO.

Offsite is any SEO activities that take place away from your website, and it often relies in being able to create business relationships with other website owners. This can lead to you being able to implement a content marketing campaign whereby you post content on their websites,. This then forms part of your backlinking strategy and allows you to benefit from the high authority and popularity of those larger, established websites.

Onsite SEO obviously relates to your own website, and one aspect of this which is different from offsite SEO is that you do not need anyone’s permission to take any action, simply due to the fact you have, or at least you should have, complete control over your own site. There are many ways in which you can approach your onsite SEO, but we would advise that you take it one step at a time to ensure each individual SEO action is completed successfully.

To make it even easier we are going to highlight 5 actions that you should take whilst implementing your onsite SEO.

Conduct An SEO Audit On Your Website

In order to determine how much SEO you need to implement you need to know what is already in place, so you need to conduct an SEO audit of your website. With this, you are checking metadata, keyword usage, content quality, page load speeds, and links within your website. From these results, you can determine what has to be created, what to remove, and what needs to be optimised.

Plan Your Onsite SEO

Now that you know what SEO work needs to be done, it is time to plan it. Assuming you not going to be doing everything yourself, this means researching and employing the experts and personnel you need to optimise your website. You also want to schedule every SEO action so that you can track the progress of each one, and mark off its completion.

Place Your Keywords In All The Right Places

Keywords are an essential component of SEO, and where and how you use them within your new home building company’s website is critical to the success of your onsite SEO. If you are unsure, seek the advice of an SEO expert who can ensure that the correct keywords are used, and that the keyword density throughout your website is at the optimal level.

Set Up A Content Schedule

Your SEO audit will have identified any existing good or bad content, and you should edit this as needed. Looking forward you want to be adding quality content regularly. This involves setting up a schedule so that content is being added to your website at a rate that shows Google that your website is one that is growing and providing its visitors with ever-increasing amounts of great content.

Optimise Your Internal Links

To benefit further from your offsite SEO, which hopefully is creating powerful backlinks, your website needs to have an internal link network that focuses on your keywords. It needs to be structured carefully so that the maximum amount of power is passed on to as many pages of your website as possible.

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